Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The beginning/Theater

I have been throwing around the idea for a little while, about starting a blog about our travels, and adventures (and of course the pictures I take during). So here goes!

We love to set out on the weekends. Whether it's driving the dirt roads that surround the town we live in, or setting off for weekend getaways- we load up, crank the music, and go.

Since I have some catching up to do, I'm not so sure everything will go in order, but eventually, I would like to post as it happens. Right now we are seventeen days until our next weekend getaway. Hopefully we run into some amazing things. :)

Here is something I wrote a few months ago:

It started with a fascination as a young kid and a curiosity that couldn't be kept at bay. We lived close to a couple of abandoned buildings and I don't know what it was- the fact that the thought of exploring these buildings would have been frowned upon? The excitement of adventure? We would "sneak" into these places and spend I don't even know how much time lost in the dust and shards of broken glass. We would construct stories in our minds about the history of peeling wallpaper and cracked plaster. It was invigorating, it was stepping through the looking glass into another world. It was a feeling that would never leave. The theater in Illinois, with a tree growing out of the brick wall- I took a few shots of the front, and commented on how awesome the tree was, growing out of the side, and he suggested I get a closer look. When I walked up, and realized the roots were growing around a hole in the brick wall, more than big enough for me to walk into, the thumping of my heart MUST have been audible as I stepped inside. I cannot tell you how amazing it was to walk into the gigantic theater and look around. I felt so small. I was in complete awe. The pictures don't do justice to the enormity of it. I imagine how many people had gone there. How many people had laughed, cried, and had their first kiss there? Some people see a sad, dilapidated structure, but I see art. I see wonder.

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